Please complete the Academic Projection

Academic Projection: Please complete to finalize the subject choices for Grade 9 -12.

Book an appointment to set up the Academic Projection – subject choice. Study the Electives below.

Book an appointment to set up the Academic Projection – subject choice. Study the Electives below.

Referred to below as Advanced and General:
All pre-selected subjects are compulsory.
All pre-selected subjects are compulsory.
Advanced choose between Physics & Chemistry or both.
General Certificate All 3 Credits compulsory
Advanced Only
General not Compulsory
General – 2nd Language is not compulsory. Another subject should be selected as 4th Major. French & Spanish can be selected as a 2nd language but another major should be added. 5 Majors excluding French & Spanish.
Compulsory: 1. Foundation for Living 2. New Testament Survey
It all adds up to 4.5 credits (4 needed). These are all compulsory but you can add the 2 optional extra subjects as mentioned above.
Credits to be added to a total of 24 – Extra Credits to be selected from the Elective list on the Member page.
By selecting the confirmation I have chosen 5/6 Majors and added the credits.