Live Culinary Cook-Off
The Live Cooking Competition puts the skills and creativity of aspiring cooks to the test. Competitors will go head-to-head in this heated culinary face-off to present a restaurant quality dish.
Contestants will be given an allocated amount of compulsory ingredients (depending on age group) but will be allowed to use any other ingredients from their pantry; however, the compulsory ingredients would need to shine.
From there, contestants have two hours to create a gourmet dish that represents their personal cooking style. Your dish can be either sweet or savory.
What we are looking for:
- To be able to see the intention of the cook.
- Proper representation of the ingredients given.
- Proper cooking methods and techniques.
- Proper balance of ingredients.
- An array of textures.
- Ease of eating the dish.
Judges Scoring Sheet: Cook-Off
- Recipe’s Title – 10
- Originality (thinking out the box), using the allocated ingredients in a creative way – 10
- Creativity in presentation (artistic appeal) – 20
- Technical difficulty – 10
- Workspace organization – 10
- Complete within the allocated time limit – 10
- Restaurant approved (portion size) – 10
- Grammar/language – written report – 10
- Judges to complete a short questionnaire after tasting- 10
Total Points: 100
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Criteria for entering:
- You are going to need a “buddy” to help you with video-ing.
- The device you use to join on Microsoft Teams must have a camera. Test beforehand to make sure everything works properly.
- You would need to pick two judges who will taste your dish at the end of the live cook-off and be comfortable with being on camera.
- Print out judges questionnaire to have available for judges before the competition starts (don’t forget pens).
- Be available to participate during the week of the 8th – 12th of November.
- A written report must be submitted 45min after the live judging.
- It must be a max of 200 words containing:
- Your recipe
- Your method
- Your experience