Code of Conduct for Active Home Education Institute (AHEI):
- Integrity and professionalism must be upheld at all times by both speaking and acting truthfully.
- Students are responsible and accountable for their learning achievement.
- Students must demonstrate honesty and ethical behaviour according to the Academic Honesty Policy (see below).
- They must strive for academic excellence and take pride in their work.
- Students & Parents must respect the AHEI employees and rights of fellow students & parents.
- The teachers have the authority over the students regarding academics.
- The academic instructions are given by the teacher and must be adhered to by the student.
- Failing this will result in a disciplinary meeting with the parent and student.
- The parent/facilitator is the manager and the student is the trainee manager.
- Abiding by the policies, procedures, rules and regulations of AHEI will not be negotiated.
- AHEI encourages a culture of kindness towards others.
· See Academic Honesty Policy below.
- Students & Parents are to be respectful and professional in all correspondence at all times.
- Inappropriate language will not be tolerated. Examples of inappropriate language are as follows:
- Use of profanity or unprofessional, offensive language.
- Use of sarcasm.
- Use of language that threatens or teases anyone in any way.
- Punctuality must be adhered to for all conferences/meetings and tutor sessions.
Student & Parent Code of Conduct is a guideline towards encouraging constructive communication and interaction between AHEI and the families. It is the responsibility of the family to ensure that they are familiar with the regulations and policies relating to the Code of Conduct and Academic Honesty Policy.
Parent/Teacher communication:
- Both parents can request TEAMS as a platform to communicate with the school regarding progress etc.
In terms of Section 18 of the Children’s Act 38 of 2005 both parents, unless specifically specified by The Office of the Family Advocate, have equal Parental Rights and Responsibilties. This includes but is not limited to any information regarding the child. Therefore, we as a School will provide equal access to the information of the learner to both Parents. Should this not be ideal, please provide us with a legal document pertaining to the situation or a mutually-agreed-upon agreement between both Parents as set out in Section 18(3).
Honesty Policy
Academic Honesty Policy
Academic honesty means demonstrating and upholding the highest integrity and honesty in all the academic work that you do. In short, it means doing your own work, not cheating, and not presenting the work of others as your own. Honesty is about both speaking and acting truthfully.
Possible Reasons for Dishonesty
- RD1 Fear of failure.
- RD2 Pressure from parents to do well.
- RD3 “everyone else is doing it” (peer pressure).
- RD4 “there is no punishment if I get caught”.
- RD5 you want to get a high grade with no effort.
- RD6 you have the time but do not want to study.
- RD7 you do not have time to study.
- RD8 nobody is hurt by my behaviour.
- RD9 the material is difficult to understand.
- RD10 there is a low risk of getting caught.
- RD11 the work is irrelevant to my major course work.
- RD12 doing it is a challenge or thrill to boast about it to other people.
Examples of Academic Dishonesty
- C1 Using crib notes in a quiz/test/exam.
- C2 Copying from another student in the quiz/test/exam.
- C3 Helping someone cheat in a quiz/test/exam.
- C4 Cheating in a quiz/test/exam in any other way.
Outside Help:
- OH1 Have someone check over a quiz/test/exam before turning it in.
- OH2 Asking someone who has already written the quiz/test/exam about its contents.
- OH3 Give information about the content of a quiz/test/exam to someone who has not yet taken it.
- OH4 A tutor cannot assist a student while doing a quiz/test/exam.
- P1 Receive substantial, unprecedented help on an assignment/quiz/test/exam.
- P2 Copy information from any website.
- P3 Fabricate or falsify a bibliography.
- P4 Purchase or find a paper off the internet to submit as your own work.
Electronic Cheating:
- EC1 Using a cell phone to text message for help during a quiz/test/exam.
- EC2 Using a cell phone or another device to photograph a quiz/test/exam.
- EC3 Passing answers on to other students.
- EC4 Having other tabs open on the browser during a quiz/test/exam.
- EC5 Students may not hand out or give their username and password to others or login to other students’ work.
- Such actions have serious consequences and could possibly ruin your future.
- The following consequences will be implemented if these values are not abided by:
- First offence: Unit will be repeated.
- Second offence: The entire course will have to be repeated, with a written warning.
- Third offence: Expulsion