Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Enrollment Date *DD/MM/YYYY Please add the starting date. Student Name & Surname *FirstLastStudent's ID number *Date of Birth *YYYYMMDD (Don’t add the forward-slash (/) )Student Gender *MaleFemaleStudent Last Grade Completed: *Grade RGrade 1Grade Applying for: *Grade RGrade 1Grade 2Student Previous School Curriculum & School Name *Home SchoolACECAPS – Government School/PrivateInternationalStudent email Address *The student needs a personal e-mail address for a FREE Microsoft 365 EDU license. (required) Mother's Name *FirstLastMother's ID number *Cell Number (Mother) *Email (Mother) *Father's Name *FirstLastFather's ID number *Cell Number (Father) *Email (Father) *Delivery Address *Please add the Town; Postal Code; Province & CountryAccounts *MotherFatherOtherWho will be responsible for payment?Contact person *MotherFatherOtherWho is the contact person regarding Academics?Other: Name & emailOnly complete if OTHER is selected above.Reason for homeschooling *Who will facilitate the student between 8am – 2pm? *Name; Surname & Contact numberWhere did you hear about us? *WebsiteFacebookReferralOtherConsent *Choice 1I hereby give permission for my contact details to be added to a parent WhatsApp group for communication purposes.Disclosure to Third Parties *Choice 1No personal information provided to Active Home Education Institute will be shared with any 3rd party. Active Home Education Institute will not sell, trade, or rent any personal information to other organizations.NameSubmit