DD/MM/YYYY Please add the starting date. You will be invoiced pro-rata according to the starting date.
A personal G-mail (not a parent’s e-mail) is required.
Please add the Town; Postal Code; Province & Country
Details of both biological parents are required even if the student resides with only one parent.
Complete if not the biological parents. Or fill in as not applicable. (n/a)
I have read the Holiday Policy and understand the conditions. This facility will be closed during the school holidays.
I am aware of the fact that the payment is payable upfront and that the student’s login will be suspended if payment is not received by the 5th of each month.
At home; At work with parent; Family member’s home; etc.
A working camera and microphone is a prerequisite.
A break will be scheduled. Daily attendance is compulsory.
Acknowledge the fact that if work was not completed between 8 and 2pm there will be homework. This is the parents’ responsibility to make sure it is done before the next day.
This is compulsory and will be regularly communicated with the parents.
Is there any important information, for instance learning differences that we need to be aware of in order to support the student?